Lecture: Something to think about

In todays lecture we were introduced to a few aspects we need to consider for the final project in terms of this module and this gave me more to think about in terms of my final project and whether it will work with my initial idea and if not gives me something to modify and improve on when it comes to final hand. An example of aspects we thought about were what does exhibition ready mean? This isn’t purely the aesthetics such as layout in terms of having a frame, we need to consider aspects such as are we producing a video?, Are we having an artist statement if so why? and if not what is the behind this? A simple print is not exhibition ready, but why? This is because we need to think deeper into the final presentation method and have reasons for this method such as why are we using a particular frame? What is this adding to the work? Is it to be nailed onto the wall? Who are we showing this too? Who is the audinece? Is it meant to go on a wall, or in a book? What is the name/ title of the work? Is there space in between the work and why? Are we even producing a print?

The desired outcome is a major aspect that needs to be considered and I need to think about what I want to achieve and how can my method of presentation will help me accomplish this?
Options of presentation we mentioned were:
  • Mounted prints
  • Box of prints
  • Photo-books
  • Installation
  • Performance
  • Video

As well as these aspects I need to consider the question of how will I engage my work with others that are viewing are work, is it too local? It’s important to identify the things in our project that are a bit more universal such as why do people care? Who is it that cares? What are we trying to say? All of these questions need to be considered in terms of my final task and I really need to address these issues when it comes to my project based on forms, functions and interactions and how people have interacted previously within their environment, which in my case is my student house. When thinking about this I need to think about how others can relate to what I’m showing and how this will engage them within my work. It’s still early days in terms of developing and continuing on this project but I’m hoping in the final outcome of my work the viewers relate to what they are seeing/listening back to in terms of where they are living/have lived and the previous inhabitants that once lived there. This relating back to the way people interact or have interacted within their environment and so evidently the story behind spaces and the marks made as a result.

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